zennioptical.com - website value, seo audit report and hosting info

www.zennioptical.com has a estimated value of $267,103 and has a daily earning capability of 365.9 USD. The website has a SEO score of 84% evaluated by estisite.com taking into consideration of the factors like on-page SEO, off-page SEO, web ranking and domain age.The web site zennioptical.com has a 9,001 rank in global traffic. The IP address of the hostname zennioptical.com is and hosted by Rackspace Hosting.
Last Updated
Website Name
URL www.zennioptical.com
Website Value
USD 267,103
SEO Health
% 84
Earning Potential
Daily $365.9
Monthly $10,976.8
Yearly $133,551.4
Page Views
Daily 122,209
Monthly 3,666,259
Yearly 44,606,155
Hosting Info
Provider Rackspace Hosting
IP Address
Country United States
Logitude -97.822000
Latitude 37.751000
Domain Info
Name zennioptical.com
Creation Date 2003-04-19
Expiry Date 2023-04-19
Age 17 years, 101 days
DNS Record
NS Record ns12.dnsmadeeasy.com
A Record
MX Record zennioptical-com.mail.protection.outlook.com
Alexa Ranking
Popular (Global) 9,001
Reach (Global) 11,085
Country (1,628) United States
Meta Title
Error: 0 Warning: 0 Pass: 1
  • Meta Title Length : Keep your title under 70 characters long. The exact limit is a bit more complicated and is based on a 600-pixel container.
  • SEO Keywords : Avoid titles that are just a list of repeat variations of the same keyword over and over.
  • Unique Title : Give every page a unique title.
  • Important Keywords : We recommend titles where the most unique aspect of the page appears first.
Meta Description
Error: 0 Warning: 1 Pass: 0
  • Meta Description Length : A meta description should be no longer than 135 – 170 characters long.
  • Compelling Description : Add words that describe value in your description and it must be human readable.
  • Duplicate Description : The meta descriptions must be written differently for every page.
  • Calls to Action : Try adding language like "click here", "learn more" like words
ViewPort Exists, Nice!
  • For responsive web design use viewport meta tag in your web pages.
  • As per SEO guidelines, pages optimized for a variety of devices must include a meta viewport tag in the head of the document.
  • Avoid using absolute width values in your CSS, such as cm, mm, in, px, pt, or pc. Instead, use rather relative width values like em, ex, ch, rem, vw, vh vmin, vmax, and %.
h1 (1)
Error: 0 Warning: 0 Pass: 1
  • The <h1> tag is the first header tag visible on a page. It is in the top of the hierarchy of tags found on a web page.
  • The h1 html tag has always been a major ranking factor on search engines. There have been plenty of trends in SEO that have come and gone, but h1s have never lost their significance.
  • Use only one h1 html tag per page. There is no reason to use more than a single h1 tag.
  • Try to write h1 tag as similar to your title tag of the web page.
  • The h1 tag should be from 20-70 characters. If it is too long, you are diluting the power of the tag.
img (45)
Error: 0 Pass: 45
  • Search engines and other robots cannot interpret images. But An alt tag, also known as "alt attribute" and "alt description" impact Search Engine rankings.
  • Don't miss alt tag in your image(img) html tag.
  • The alt text of "img" tag should be kept short to maximize its impact.
ahref (351)
Error: 233 Pass: 118
  • ahref html tag know as anchor text can provide both search engines and users relevant contextual information about the content of the link's destination.
  • ahref should not miss out or must not be blank "title tag" inside it.
  • anchor text should be relevant to the linked-to page and low keyword density.

Website value calculator, How it works?

We use public traffic ranking data to start with our calculations. To calculate website worth of zennioptical.com we have considered it's domain keywords and domain age. At the same time we are totally aware that it is practically impossible to be accurate with these estimations. Hence, please don’t expect anything 100% accurate from this automated algorithm.

SEO Score, How it works?

This SEO tool has calculated the SEO score of www.zennioptical.com by cheking and testing it's SEO elements like: page title, meta description, viewport existance, keywords test, <h1> heading status, robots.txt test, sitemap test, image alt test, ahref title test, favicon test, html page size test, html compression/gzip test and www redirection test.

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